BDK Team Spotlight: ERP/EDI Team

Meet Team Lead

James Chillog

BDK is a managed service provider and IT services & consulting firm. We provide a full range of IT services with one goal in mind – to be a strategic technology partner that helps our clients achieve their business objectives. 

BDK’s “Team Spotlight” blog series highlights the different departments throughout the organization, each of which play an integral role in ensuring premiere IT services and support for our customers. This week’s blog features our Enterprise Resource Planning & Electronic Data Interchange (ERP/EDI) Team. James Chillog, Team Lead, shared the following insights about his team and what makes them a critical component of BDK’s business. 

What is the ERP/EDI team’s primary function at BDK Inc.?

The ERP/EDI team at BDK is responsible for providing end-to-end support for our customers’ ERP/EDI operations. This includes managing the development of workflows and business processes for the ERP system, migrating customers to new ERP systems, conducting trainings for customers on how to use their ERP system, and providing help-desk-type support, including monitoring and patching if something breaks. We also make sure EDI is flowing at a continuous rate on behalf of our customers—ensuring the system keeps its integrity.

Who is the team comprised of?

We have a team that works solely on EDI/ERP, and given the complexity of EDI/ERP, we also leverage several internal resources to support our customers, including our executive team, a software development engineer and analyst, and the entirety of our tech team.

As manager, I oversee the ERP/EDI full consumer base, including developing workflows for customers and conducting trainings. Our project manager keeps track of all ERP needs for our customers and is an expert in the field, with nearly 20 years of experience. Our Software Engineers create, manage, and maintain workflows that alleviate repetitious tasks, and liaison between our customers and our internal experts on any development work that needs to happen.

What is the best part of being on the ERP/EDI team?

Given the nature of what we do, the best part of being on the ERP/EDI team aligns with the collaboration needed to ensure our customers’ business needs are met. As a lean and relatively young team, we have to work together seamlessly, delegate resources effectively, and trust that each other will own their part. We have an open-door policy if anyone gets stuck on a project, as well as several in-house experts with decades of IT experience we can draw upon, as needed.  

What should BDK customer know about the ERP/EDI team?

ERP is complex and some businesses often choose to go out and set up an ERP system via a third party, but then are often confined to its capabilities. If a workflow is outlining how your business makes money or how you expect it to run, the ERP should be built to support that workflow.

With BDK, our customers have access to a team of dedicated experts that can set up an ERP system to meet business needs, avoid change management of the system if there is any internal turnover, and host your data securely via our Cloud servers. All of this saves your business time and money, while ensuring processes are streamlined across the board.  

If you could pick a mascot to represent your team, what would it be and why?

If the ERP/EDI team had a mascot, it would most likely be an octopus. An ERP system has many arms that constantly pull data from various sources of your business, from inventory to fulfillment, much like an octopus. Additionally, it does so intelligently and in a way that streamlines everything. 

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